On Friday 27th January 2023, our class 3/3 took part in workshops at Adam Mickiewicz University at Faculty of English organized by Department of Dutch and South African Studies.

There were two workshops. The first workshop “Cultural Cold War – the use of culture in the global East-West conflict” was led by Mr Michał Wenderski. It was about cultural cold war and the usage of cultural exhibitions as a weapon after World War Two.

The second lecturer was PhD Małgorzata Drwal with the presentation “A European tourist in South Africa”. She introduced us to a highly interesting subject about South Africa and its reality. It was surprising how many things we, as Europeans, misconceive about that country.

Taking part in those workshops was a great opportunity for us to get a taste of what university life is like. The first lecture was a bit complicated and it was difficult to stay focused, however, the whole experience was definitely worth it.

Katarzyna Majchrzak 3/3

27 stycznia klasa 3.3 odwiedziła wydział anglistyki Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Przeprowadzone zostały dwa wykłady w języku angielskim. Pierwszy opowiadał o sztuce w czasach zimnej wojny, natomiast podczas drugiego wykładu uczniowie mogli dowiedzieć się więcej o kulturze RPA oraz poznać je z strony, o której nie mówi się na co dzień. Wykłady pozwoliły nam poszerzyć naszą wiedzę i spojrzeć na te aspekty z innych perspektyw. Wyjście uważamy za udane

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